One disillusioned rabbits journey to escape the clutches of the Easter Bunny Authorities (E.B.A)

Friday 30 April 2010

Working up the stones to simply leave...

So, Rough plan? Leaving at about 6.30AM. Ouchies? Yea, I know. Early is Hurty, but this is pretty necessary. This way I can get ahead of everyone else that wants to leave. Although i'm about 90% certain that 90% of all the people leaving are also thinking this as well.

Simply a-waiting now. Just waiting and oh boy am I tense, got these crazy jitters going on. Sat in my little warren trying to clear my head and get everything else in the world out, leaving my head entirely empty so that I may fill it with my travels.

Early is Hurty... that would make a fun t-shirt. I might make it my slogan, or motto! I've always wanted a motto! There we go! One life goal achieved!

Phew... this is going to be a long, LONG, few hours. Wish me luck everyone.

Singing off

P.S I typo'd Signing... but I prefer this. I like the idea of Singing Off. Don't you?


  1. P.P.S Forgot to mention that i'm a little worried about the E.B.A reaction to my leaving. One of the many things i'm trying to get out of my head.

  2. Have you ever actually seen 6:30 AM before? LOL
    I shall attempt (in my bestest capacity) to keep the EBA looking for you in totally the wrong direction, and hope that we dont get tortured too much for it! run fast l'il wabbit and enjoy your adventures..... I shall miss you D, more than you can imagine xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good luck D'artagnan you old horse
