One disillusioned rabbits journey to escape the clutches of the Easter Bunny Authorities (E.B.A)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Day 4

Crappy hotel granted us a decent nights sleep but this is pretty much it. The room was pretty gross.
We were all feeling very achy and tired from the wandering and walking but resolved to get a train to wherever we were going to next. Turns out that place was Brussels. On a high speed train. Win.

ON arriving in Brussels we were automatically in awe of the city, it was full of so much grandure and just amazing we decided to stay for a few days there and then to try and see as much of it as we could.

We began wandering the capital of Europe. Technically. As you can imagine, we got a little lost. But, with the help of a free tourist map that was, to be honest, pretty good we found our way to the hostel. However DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN The hostel had no rooms. We died a little. But they put us on the waiting list and told us if we were back by four we may be in with a chance. We did just that and thankfullly got a room!

Room was lovely, as were the Hostel staff, who made us feel welcome and did their best to befriend us. We loved them all a lot.

After being safely in a hostel we wandered Brussels once more and found an Irish bar. Now. Dan and I didnt wanted to go into an IRISH bar in BRUSSELS, we wanted to sample local beer and nightlife. Joe however... wanted... Guinness. Sigh. So we ended up staying in the Irish bar for most of the evening.

More soon!

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